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mend one’s fence
(从正当利益出发)与有关方面搞好关系以争取支持 与有关方面搞好关系以争取支持  detail>>
to mend a fence
修补篱笆  detail>>
refuse to mend one
累戒不改  detail>>
will willingly mend one
自当悔改  detail>>
one fence post at a time
这每每竖立在心头的栅栏  detail>>
 vt.  1.修补,修理;织补,缝补。 2.改正,纠正;改进,改善;订正,改订。 3.加强;加快;加(火);增加…的引诱力[魔力、力量]。 ...  detail>>
on the mend
病在好转之中 在好转中  detail>>
boy cleared the fence in one leap
男孩一跃跳过了篱笆the  detail>>
 n.  1.栅栏,篱笆;围墙。 2.自卫术;剑术。 3.(机械的)防护物; 〔古语〕防壁,防护。 4.巧辩词令。 5.〔俚语〕买...  detail>>
fence in
用栅栅围起来 栅栏围着  detail>>
fence with
搪塞  detail>>
on the fence
抱观望态度, 保持中立  detail>>
the fence
叛狱大猎杀  detail>>
end or mend
首尾相接,首尾相对  detail>>
eruul mend
卫生  detail>>
expertly mend
精工修理  detail>>
mend a puncture
补车胎  detail>>
mend ailment
回春术  detail>>